Whiskey Canyon

Delta Hellcat  X  Docs Sweet Shorty

TWR Bar Time Blues is an NCHA money earner of nearly $3,000 and an APHA earner of 59pts in Open cutting, giving him both an ROM and a Superior. He is also a 2x World Champion in the Open Cutting. "Igor" is the son of Mecom Blue, earner of $19,000 with offspring earning in excess of $3.7 million. He stands 15hh and is negative for all known genetic conditions with the single exception of being n/IMM. He has never had an IMM/MYHM attack, and so far neither have any of his foals that we currently know of.

Smart Lil Bobbie Bar is an APHA earner of both an ROM and Honor Roll Championship in the Ranch Box Drive; she also accumulated approximately $30,000 at weekend jackpot Sorting and Penning events throughout her life. "Bobbie Jo" is a daughter of Color Me Smart, earner of nearly $10,000, with offspring earnings in excess of $3.6 million. Her dam, Ms Sugar Bob, is a daughter of Bob Acre Doc and earner of $37,600. She stands 14.2hh and is 6 panel negative with the single exception of being n/HRD.

This cross is unable to be bred naturally due to fertility issues on both sides but frozen embryos of this cross are available and we are implanting at least one per year to foal out, ask about opportunities!

Sierra Hotel

2024 Bay Roan Tovero Filly

**Not For Sale at this time**

Under Construction- check back soon as we're updating!

Delta Hellcat  X  Northern Blue Sky

Delta Hellcat is an NRCHA money earner of $3.570 and an APHA earner of 38 total points and the Open Ranch Box Drive Honor Roll Championship.

Docs Sweet Shorty is an NCHA money earner of $524; she unfortunately suffered an injury and was retired early. "Ginger" is a daughter of Docs Alota Pepto, an A/NCHA money earner of almost $109,000, and one of the highest earning sons of Sweet Lil Pepto. Her dam, Sweet Like Shorty, is an NCHA earner of $11,000, and daughter of Shorty Lena; she is also the full sister to the dam of Spots Hot.

This cross is still being bred, ask about future foals


2025 Red Roan Stud Colt

**Available- $6,000**

More information available on our Sale page

Tipsy Bartender

2024 Bay Roan Gelding


Picture Coming Soon!

That Bird At The Bar

2024 Homozygous Filly

**Not For Sale**

Delta Hellcat is an NRCHA money earner of $3.570 and an APHA earner of 38 total points and the Open Ranch Box Drive Honor Roll Championship.

Northern Blue Sky was in training but never shown; we purchased her to add to our program. "Shadow" is a daughter of TWR Bar Time Blues, an NCHA money earner of nearly $3,000 and an APHA earner of 59pts in Open cutting, giving him both an ROM and a Superior. He is also a 2x World Champion in the Open Cutting. Her dam, Colored Field Mouse, is an NCHA money earner of $8,400 and daughter of $3+ million dollar sire Color Me Smart.

This cross is still being bred, ask about future foals

TWR Bar Time Blues is an NCHA money earner of nearly $3,000 and an APHA earner of 59pts in Open cutting, giving him both an ROM and a Superior. He is also a 2x World Champion in the Open Cutting. "Igor" is the son of Mecom Blue, earner of $19,000 with offspring earning in excess of $3.7 million. He stands 15hh and is negative for all known genetic conditions with the single exception of being n/IMM. He has never had an IMM/MYHM attack, and so far neither have any of his foals that we currently know of.

Smart Lil Smokin Gun is an APHA earner of 380 points, 11 ROMs, 1 Superior, 4 APHA World Championships, and 2 Reserve World Championships, as well as weekend jackpot Sorting and Penning money. "Pistol" is a daughter of Color Me Smart, earner of nearly $10,000, with offspring earnings in excess of $3.6 million. She stands 14.2hh and is negative for all known genetic conditions with the single exception of being n/HRD.

This cross is unable to be bred naturally due to fertility issues on both sides but frozen embryos of this cross are available and we are implanting at least one per year to foal out, ask about opportunities!

TWR Bar Time Blues  X  Smart Lil Bobbie Bar


2025 Bay(Roan?) Filly

**Available- $4,000**

More info available on our Sale page

Young Stock

Sweet Lil Ruby

2024 Red Roan Tobiano Filly

**Available, with consideration to a Show Home**

Below are some of our best crosses, with pictures available of said crosses.

While not all of these horses will be for sale, we can offer to breed the same cross(in most cases) for a "designer foal"; we also have frozen embryos of some of these crosses as well.

If you're interested, check under each horse to see your options!


2025 Homozygous Filly

**Not For Sale**

TWR Bar Time Blues  X  Smart Lil Smokin Gun